Woman looking at perspectives

About Perspectives: A Time for Change Virtual Addiction Conference

Close Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s episode of Perspective Matters: This Week in Behavioral Healthcare. I’m your host Glenn Hadley with Southworth Associates. I just want to take a brief minute to thank our sponsors not only for the show but also for the upcoming event, “Perspectives: A Time For Change.”   We’re…

young woman enjoying residential treatment for alcohol

Residential Treatment for Alcohol

When it comes to receiving the care you need for alcohol addiction, you have plenty of options available. However, it can be difficult to determine which program is best for your specific needs. One of the most effective programs available today is residential treatment for alcohol. An alcohol residential treatment program allows clients to step…

understand the relationship between alcohol and dopamine

Alcohol and Dopamine

Excessive drinking unleashes larger amounts of dopamine. This relationship oftentimes triggers alcohol addiction. Understanding the relationship between alcohol and dopamine highlights the dangers of excessive alcohol drinking. If you or someone you know is addicted to alcohol, admission into an alcohol detox center in Houston, TX is the first step towards lasting alcohol addiction recovery.…

woman drinking wonders is alcoholism a mental illness

Is Alcoholism A Mental Illness

If you are dealing with an alcohol issue or wonder if you have alcohol use disorder, then you might wonder to yourself “is alcoholism a mental illness?” This is a common question for people who are battling the issue of alcohol abuse. Trained professionals are necessary to deal with the problems of alcoholism. A California…

a group therapy session at an alcohol rehab centers portland

When is it Time for Alcohol Rehab?

You can’t avoid alcohol. Most social events — personal and professional — include alcohol. When used responsibly, alcohol can enhance meals and social gatherings, ease tension and create a celebratory feel. However, alcohol abuse affects nearly 10 percent of all Americans according to a recent study by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.…